Comments on: Amazon Astro robot: been there, done that Robotics news, research and analysis Mon, 04 Oct 2021 23:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott Mon, 04 Oct 2021 23:19:40 +0000 Sadly I am inclined to agree. This was the best they can do? ZERO innovation, what a disappointment

By: Sebastian Conran Thu, 30 Sep 2021 06:04:58 +0000 The MiRo has been in production for over six years and is now in its third iteration – we find a key feature is its emotional engagement with people of all ages.

We are learning plenty about this space and most of our custom is with university researchers who do want a flexible platform with a multitude of sensors and many degrees of freedom.

Although we do sell into education with our MiRoCloud we will not sell to consumers…Yet.

By: GByron Brooks EE MD Wed, 29 Sep 2021 20:15:53 +0000 I have been a robotics hobbyist since 1982. We all have seen dozens of robots like Astro enter the market and unceremoniously wither and die. With Amazon’s backing, Astro has an opportunity to grow into a true consumer robot, but it is not there now. This potentially useful bot should be targeted at the hobbyist market. There are a lot of bright makers, hackers, and post-grad and grad students out here that would love to pay $1K for an open robotic platform that can map and navigate your home; as well as, self-charge at its charging station. As with the early quads/drones, it took several years for the hobbyist community to help define the drones niche, accustom the general public to the thought of and acceptance of a real-world flying robot (as opposed to the mythical Star wars drone). The early quad makers like DJI made their Drones modifiable (at first). If Amazon wants to enter the home general-purpose robot market, Amazon must accept the fact that several steps are required. Market to the maker and hobbyist communities, provide an Astro API (preferably Python or JavaScript but C works, ROS does not work!). Give us at least one port to access hardware status and to connect our Arduinos, Raspberry Pi, Android phones, or Laptops Mac/Win. We will in turn help Amazon create, market, and sell a robot that the average household would want. A robot with functional capabilities and limitations that would be understood and accepted by many normal households.
An old Hackers thoughts

By: Eric Truebenbach Wed, 29 Sep 2021 19:45:03 +0000 The first thing I thought was: Jibo. Similar intent, same limitations, probably the same fate.
I already have a smartphone that fits in my pocket and goes everywhere I go, including outside.
Until Astro can climb stairs and open doors, it’s a (very) limited toy that solves few new problems. Just buy a second Echo.

By: Jana Blanco Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:47:49 +0000 There are lots of Americans who have Google instead of Alexa will it work with Google in the same manner also there’s so many simple things that could have been included on Echo. It should be able to look up data take notes calculations look up information on the internet and show you your photos calculate where to eat all of that should be available on this one robot to make it a efficient for a household. Upgrade on this unit should be acceptable without cost to the new owners because of the risks they are taking.
